Bug #44782 Minor aesthetic problem in the Workbench Central pane
Submitted: 11 May 2009 11:14 Modified: 30 May 2013 11:55
Reporter: Matti Kerttula Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.0a OS:Linux (Ubuntu 9.04 x86-64)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: GUI

[11 May 2009 11:14] Matti Kerttula
With large fonts, the logo in the Workbench Central pane looks misplaced. It seems this is because:

1. Logo with its own background gradient is aligned vertically at the middle.
2. The background gradient of the pane is aligned at the top.

Additionally, the low end of the gradient is white and the area under it is dark.

How to repeat:
Tested in the GNOME desktop environment:
1. Select a large application font in the system preferences. 
2. Start MySQL Workbench.

Suggested fix:
I'm not familiar with the code, but:

1. Set the vertical alignment of the background gradient and the logo to the top of the pane.
2. Set the pane backgound color outside the gradient area to white.


1. Remove the gradient background from the logo and alpha blend against the pane background.
2. Scale the background gradient to fit the size of the pane.
[11 May 2009 11:43] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[23 Nov 2009 16:07] Matti Kerttula
The Workbench Central pane doesn't seem to respect GNOME font settings in newer version of Workbench (5.2.8 beta) and I can't find any way to change the font size. If that is a design choice, I think this bug can be considered as fixed.

Someone might think the fixed-size fonts are an accessibility problem, though.
[30 Nov 2009 14:06] Johannes Taxacher
it is indeed a design choice. keeping it as feature request
[30 May 2013 11:55] Mike Lischke
The home screen has been completely redesigned.