Bug #4427 Configuring CNF File
Submitted: 7 Jul 2004 0:11 Modified: 7 Jul 2004 17:30
Reporter: Yves Dieterich Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.0.6 Beta OS:Windows (XP SP1 FR)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[7 Jul 2004 0:11] Yves Dieterich
While installing a brand new server on my computer using Mysql Administrator
I am unable to configure most of the settings available in the GUI
I try to install Mysql Server 4.0.20a on Windows XP Service Pack 1 French edition.

I this a wrong use, or a real problem ?


How to repeat:
I create a very small c:\my.cnf file
port		= 3306
port		= 3306

Then I run Mysql Administrator
1- Install a new service, with InnoDB support
    Change config filenaname to c:\my.cnf (color change from red to black)
    Start the service sucessfully
2- Reconnect
3- Goto Startup Variable
    InnoDB Parameters
     Activate InnoDB checkbox is checked, but I cannot change anything else : Memory, datafile, logfiles are all grayed
     Almost all other parameters are grayed and unavailable
[7 Jul 2004 17:30] Michael G. Zinner
You have to explicit enable each parameter you want to set by clicking the icon to the very left of each parameter. Please notice the small red X if a parameter is disabled.

This prevents from unintentionally changing server parameters and defines which values will actually be written to the .cnf file.