The execution of the regression test "ctype_uft8mb3" delivers the following bug after all "uft8" has been changed to "utf8mb3" "utf8mb3" shall be the same charset as "utf8" in 5.1 and is only renamed in 6.0:
main.ctype_utf8mb3 [ fail ]
Test ended at 2009-03-16 13:34:14
CURRENT_TEST: main.ctype_utf8mb3
mysqltest: At line 293: query 'insert into t1 values ('аа')' failed: 1062: Duplicate entry 'а' for key 'c'
The result from queries just before the failure was:
< snip >
select c ca10 from t1 where c='aaaaaaaaaa';
select c cb20 from t1 where c=repeat('b',20);
drop table t1;
create table t1 (c char(3) character set utf8mb3, unique (c(2)));
insert into t1 values ('1'),('2'),('3'),('4'),('x'),('y'),('z');
insert into t1 values ('a');
insert into t1 values ('aa');
insert into t1 values ('aaa');
ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'aa' for key 'c'
insert into t1 values ('b');
insert into t1 values ('bb');
insert into t1 values ('bbb');
ERROR 23000: Duplicate entry 'bb' for key 'c'
insert into t1 values ('а');
More results from queries before failure can be found in /work/bzr/mysql-6.0-wl4013/mysql-test/var/log/ctype_utf8mb3.log
"ctype_utf8" passed in 5.1.
How to repeat:
Take the 5.1 ctype_utf8 and rename all "utf8" to "utf8mb3" and run that test in 6.0 or take the attached test "ctype_utf8mb3".