Bug #43655 Access violation on consecutive use of "Create Table" dialog
Submitted: 14 Mar 2009 18:38 Modified: 19 Oct 2009 7:00
Reporter: Dave Nechodom Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.2.17 OS:Windows (XP Pro + All fixes, SPs)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: CHECKED, regression

[14 Mar 2009 18:38] Dave Nechodom
Attempts to use the MySQL Table Editor to create more than one table per instantiation results in the following error alert:
Title: "MySQL Administrator Exception"
Message: "Access violation at address 00405BD8 in module 'MySQLAdministrator.exe'. Read of address 0000000E"

How to repeat:
Click [Create Table] button.
Create a simple table, name & structure not important.
Click [Apply Changes] to complete table creation.
Without closing the table editor, attempt to create another new table.
1) Change table name from "New Table" to any new name.
2) Click the first Column Name cell; this is where the alert shows up.

As a workaround, close the table editor & reopen to create additional tables.
[14 Mar 2009 19:55] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[19 Oct 2009 7:00] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for writing a bug report. We are on the way to implement full functionality of MySQL Administrator into MySQL Workbench. We won't fix this anymore.

More informations about MySQL Workbench you will find here:
