Bug #434 Missing bookmarks in PDF manual
Submitted: 15 May 2003 16:13 Modified: 25 Jan 2005 0:41
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.1-alpha OS:Windows (WinXP)
Assigned to: Jim Winstead CPU Architecture:Any

[15 May 2003 16:13] [ name withheld ]
The current PDF version of the MySQL Reference Manual on the web site seems to be missing bookmarks. (version 4.1-alpha)

The previous version of the manual (for 3.23--no longer on the web site) does have bookmarks.

How to repeat:
1. Go to http://www.mysql.com/documentation/
2. Click PDF to download the manual.
3. In Acrobat, click Bookmarks tab if not already open. (F5)
4. Observe vast empty white space where bookmarks normally go.

Suggested fix:
Unsure as to cause.  I tried compiling the PDF from the source using make [...] manual.pdf, and the bookmarks generated ok. (though I had other errors due to my not knowing what I'm doing.)
[22 May 2003 17:28] MySQL Verification Team
Thanks for the bug report.
[6 Jun 2003 1:03] Lenz Grimmer
Unfortunately I don't know how and where the PDF is generated. Jim, could you please 
take a look at that? Thanks.
[10 Feb 2004 18:16] MySQL Verification Team
I verified again besides the English version 2 more languages and
still continue the bug reported.
[10 Feb 2004 18:44] Jim Winstead
This will be fixed when we transition to DocBook.
[28 Nov 2004 17:46] Victor Eijkhout
Having a pdf with bookmarks would be really really handy. It looks like your pdf is generated 
with LaTeX, so just running it through pdflatex (instead of plain latex) is enough. Let me know if 
you want some assistence with this.

(I know you promised in february that this would be fixed, but in the mean time....)

[25 Jan 2005 0:41] Paul DuBois
The PDF manual now has bookmarks.