Bug #43027 Global changes of notifications and Advisors in Enterprise Dashboard
Submitted: 19 Feb 2009 16:09 Modified: 20 Feb 2009 8:59
Reporter: Kyle Joiner Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Advisors/Rules Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:2.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: Mark Leith CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Advisors, global, notifications

[19 Feb 2009 16:09] Kyle Joiner
Customer suggests a single host and a global method to change notifications and advisors in the Enterprise Dashboard.  When Monitoring large numbers of MySQL servers it is tedious to change each ones value.

Another suggestion from the customer is to group like notifications to minimize the email count.

From the customers email:

> I've enabled many of the standard notifications and get 500 notifications coming into my mailbox as we have 140 instances being monitored. That's too much.
> The other thing which might be possible is to group notifications for similar conditions (if that were possible) as potentially would reduce the notification volume.
> I can also see a need to provide url links (in the notifications) to enable:
> 1. local (that host specific) or global adjustment of thresholds
> 2. local (that host specific) or global disabling of notifications
> As this would require prior authentication that would be pretty safe.
> That would make it much easier to be able to adjust notification configurations as now doing this is rather tedious.


How to repeat:
Use the Dashboard with 100's of active servers with all notifications turned on at default.

Suggested fix:
Global adjustments of advisor thresholds.

Grouped notifications