Bug #42972 JavaScript errors in IE 7 and 8 on Windows Vista
Submitted: 18 Feb 2009 13:57 Modified: 19 Feb 2009 15:53
Reporter: Sveta Smirnova Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Josh Sled CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Feb 2009 13:57] Sveta Smirnova
I get JavaScript errors using MEM GUI on Vista in IE 8 which I don't get on XP or FF.

Additionally I need to turn off all default security options off to get MEM GUI working in IE.

How to repeat:
For example:

Go to "Query Analyzer" tab, click "configure query analyzer" and you'll get error ""offsetParent is null or not an object". Workaround for this one is reload "Query Analyzer" webpage.

Suggested fix:
Test MEM GUI on windows Vista using Internet Explorer. If one really needs to turn several security options off, check which ones and inform user or at least have them documented in the user manual.
[18 Feb 2009 13:59] Sveta Smirnova
Workaround: use another browser, i.e. Firefox
[18 Feb 2009 20:13] Gary Whizin
Can't yet reproduce on our Vista test box with SP1. Can you specify exactly which security settings you're using?
[19 Feb 2009 7:38] Sveta Smirnova
For example:

1. Install IE 8 with all default settings (or go to Security->Internet/Intranet zone, then reset all to default).
2. Go to Query Analyzer page. In this case after clicking "configure query analyzer" you'll see background will be changed to gray color, but no layer with quan settings will be shown.
[19 Feb 2009 14:29] Josh Sled
I'll be trying to reproduce today, but (generally, too) when you encounter these errors on IE8, can you please open the developer error console and see if/what is printed there?
[19 Feb 2009 15:53] Josh Sled
I don't see any issue with the configure query analyzer popup on IE 8.0.7000.0 beta on the Windows7 beta, nor with IE 7.0.6000.16809 on Vista.  This is with default Internet Zone security settings.  I'm not aware that any security settings deltas are expected or required for MEM function.

This is with the current head of the branches/2.0/ mem sources; what specific MEM version is the customer using?
[19 Feb 2009 16:37] Sveta Smirnova
Version which is downloadable from enterprise.mysql.com now