Bug #4293 I reportedly have invalid address
Submitted: 25 Jun 2004 23:33 Modified: 1 Jul 2004 7:29
Reporter: Michal Čihař Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: bugs.mysql.com Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:
Assigned to: Indrek Siitan CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Jun 2004 23:33] Michal Čihař
When tryied to register, it told me, that my email address michal@cihar.com is invalid. I don't think so, at least I use it all the time....

How to repeat:
Try to create account with michal@cihar.com address.
[1 Jul 2004 7:29] MySQL Verification Team
I did an account with that e-mail. Sorry if you receive e-mails from our
system bug about. I am asking for our Indrek for to delete that account.