Bug #42551 InnoDB post-commit trigger does not work
Submitted: 2 Feb 2009 18:04 Modified: 3 Feb 2013 7:15
Reporter: Lars Thalmann Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Tools Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[2 Feb 2009 18:04] Lars Thalmann
The MySQL policy regarding InnoDB changes is:

  Whenever you modify InnoDB code, an InnoDB developer 
  needs to review it.

For this we have a trigger to notify InnoDB about any 
InnoDB changes committed in the MySQL trees.

1. This trigger has stopped working (perhaps due to us 
   switching to bzr).  This should be fixed, so that the 
   trigger works again.

2. Also, this should email the developer committing the 
   patch, so that he/she is reminded of the policy.
   Alternatively a good pop-up should remind the developer.

How to repeat:
Detected by lack of emails

Suggested fix:
Fix trigger
[2 Feb 2009 18:23] Lars Thalmann
To clarify.

Approval from InnoDB is needed for any changes in any files matching:

   1. mysql-test/include/ctype_innodb_like.inc
   2. mysql-test/include/have_innodb.inc
   3. mysql-test/include/innodb_trx_weight.inc
   4. mysql-test/r/innodb-*
   5. mysql-test/t/innodb-*
   6. storage/innobase/*
[26 Feb 2009 7:06] Chad MILLER
The bzr mysql trigger now displays warnings when one commits to any of those files.

For a few days, it would refuse to commit unless an environment variable was set, but I decided that was too intrusive and destructive, as commit messages were lost.  We can always uncommit, but we can't un-lose the message.
[28 Oct 2009 21:56] Timothy Smith
I'm unassigning this from myself, as I'm no longer maintaining the InnoDB files in the MySQL branches.

There have been no recent complaints that I know of regarding the current behavior of the mysql plugin in this regard, so as far as I know this bug can be closed.  However, I leave that up to Sergey to determine.


[2 Feb 2013 14:19] Valeriy Kravchuk
This is no longer relevant. Please, just close this report.