Bug #42304 value field in mysql.inventory is too small
Submitted: 23 Jan 2009 14:35 Modified: 21 Aug 2009 9:07
Reporter: Johan Idrén Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Mark Matthews CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Jan 2009 14:35] Johan Idrén
value field in mysql.inventory table is too short to handle certain data. For example fingerprint from "Reflection for Secure IT" which uses longer fingerprint IDs than OpenSSH.

How to repeat:
Attempt to use a key from Reflection, get error message that string is too long, agent won't start.

Suggested fix:
Currently it's varchar(64), it could be varchar(10000) as that's the limit at the Dashboard side.
[25 Mar 2009 23:07] Mark Matthews
This isn't actually fixed quickly. The contents of this value are later used as a *component* of a name in the repository, which currently is 255 characters itself. Changing this would require a migration (well at least a potentially expensive ALTER TABLE).
[12 Jun 2009 19:47] Mark Leith
We should document this as a limitation, as the upgrade implications are too great at the moment. 

Document the limitation, and the work around - use --agent-host-id within the mysql-monitor-agent.ini file so that a shorter unique id can be hard coded.
[21 Aug 2009 9:07] MC Brown
I've added this as a known limitation to the new reference appendix.