Bug #42159 Restoring falcon fails
Submitted: 16 Jan 2009 15:00 Modified: 26 Jan 2009 13:47
Reporter: Susanne Ebrecht Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Backup Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:6.0-backup OS:Linux (Ubuntu 8.10 64bit)
Assigned to: Rafal Somla CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Jan 2009 15:00] Susanne Ebrecht
I used actual bzr tree of mysql-backup. To make sure it is reproducable I did this test more then once by using other names:

CREATE DATABASE falconbackuptest;
USE falconbackuptest;
CREATE TABLE t(id serial, i integer) ENGINE=FALCON;
INSERT INTO t(i) VALUES(rand()*1000);
INSERT INTO t(i) SELECT rand()*1000 FROM t;
INSERT INTO t(i) SELECT rand()*1000 FROM t;
INSERT INTO t(i) SELECT rand()*1000 FROM t;
Do this until 2097152 are stored.

SELECT count(*) FROM t;

| count(*) |
|  2097152 | 

BACKUP DATABASE falconbackuptest to 'falconbackuptest.backup';
DROP DATABASE falconbackuptest;

RESTORE from 'falconbackuptest.backup';

090116 15:58:06 [Note] Restore: Starting restore process
090116 15:58:06 [Note] Restore: Restoring 1 database(s) `falconbackuptest`
090116 15:58:38 [ERROR] Restore: Error when sending data (for table #1) to Snapshot restore driver
090116 15:58:42 [Warning] Restore: Operation aborted - data might be corrupted
ERROR 1670 (HY000): Error when sending data (for table #1) to Snapshot restore driver

How to repeat:
see above

Suggested fix:
I think this has something to do with Falcon transactions.
[16 Jan 2009 15:00] Susanne Ebrecht
Set to verified.
[16 Jan 2009 15:02] Susanne Ebrecht
I forget:
I made same test with 4 million rows with MyISAM and InnoDB. Restoring of both worked fine. Only falcon is failing here.
[22 Jan 2009 22:25] Hema Sridharan
I see this error if there is insufficient space in the server
[22 Jan 2009 22:53] Hema Sridharan
This defect looks like duplicate of bug#41716
[26 Jan 2009 13:47] Susanne Ebrecht
You are right: This is a duplicate of bug #41716