Bug #42067 Some advisor rules have the advice untranslated
Submitted: 12 Jan 2009 21:50 Modified: 5 Feb 2009 11:23
Reporter: Marcos Palacios Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Localization Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Toru Sugihara CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Jan 2009 21:50] Marcos Palacios
The Advice in the following advisor rules is not translated:

Advisor: Performance
Rule: Stored Procedures Found With SELECT * Syntax (v 1.1 *)
Rule: Excessive Disk Temporary Table Usage Detected (v 1.8 *)

Note: in the Schema Advisor, all but 2 of the rules have the same issue, example rule: Object Changes Detected (v 1.6 *)

Advisor: Security
Rule: Account Has Old Insecure Password Hash (v 1.1 *)

It is most likely that all new rules in version 2.0 do not have the Advice translated.

See examples in the attached files.

How to repeat:
- install the 2.0 monitor and the Platinum Advisor bundle
- change the user locale to japanese (JP)
- inspect the rules indicated above, looking at field "アドバイス"

Suggested fix:
- incorporate the JA translation resource with the Advice for new rules
[23 Jan 2009 19:12] Marcos Palacios
Tested on service manager build and found that the rules still have the Advice untranslated.
[27 Jan 2009 0:18] Andy Bang
Updated translation text was received and checked in just *after* the bundles were built, so they'll be in the next release.
[27 Jan 2009 20:21] Marcos Palacios
Tested with advisor bundle Found some rules now have the translation BUT not ALL rules. The ones missing its translation are listed below (advisor and rule are indicated). Notice the 2 rules with additional issues.

Security: Account Has Old Insecure Password Hash   (v 1.1 *)
Security: Account Has Global Privileges   (v 1.4 *)
Security: Server Has Accounts Without A Password   (v 1.3 *)
Security: Account Has An Overly Broad Host Specifier   (v 1.4 *)
Security: User Has Rights To Database That Does Not Exist   (v 1.0 *)
Security: Account Has Strong MySQL Privileges   (v 1.3 *)
Security: Non-Authorized User Has DB, Table, Or Index Privileges On All Databases   (v 1.0 *)
Security: Non-Authorized User Has GRANT Privileges On All Databases   (v 1.0 *)

Heat Chart: RAM Usage Excessive   (v 1.7 *)

Heat Chart: MySQL Agent Memory Usage Excessive   (v 1.0 *)
Note: In this rule, the title, Problem Description, and Advice are untranslated.

Heat Chart: Temporary Tables To Disk Ratio Excessive   (v 1.91 *)
Note: In this rule, not only is the Advice untranslated but its English text is slightly different from the text in the Advice of the English rule. E.g., "If Query Analyzer is enabled, browse..." is NOT in the Japanese Advice.
[28 Jan 2009 20:30] Keith Russell
Patch applied in versions =>
[28 Jan 2009 21:14] Keith Russell
Status updated by mistake. Setting back to 'verified'.
[3 Feb 2009 18:57] Andy Bang
In 2.0: Pushed up to revision 262.

In 2.1: Pushed up to revision 252.
[3 Feb 2009 20:43] Keith Russell
Patch installed in versions => and
[4 Feb 2009 2:47] Marcos Palacios
The 2 rules attached above are from advisor bundle
[4 Feb 2009 16:16] Marcos Palacios
Awaiting new advisor build with latest translation corrections.
[4 Feb 2009 16:58] Andy Bang
Pushed the latest translations to both the 2.0 and 2.1 codelines.
[4 Feb 2009 23:02] Marcos Palacios
Verified fixed in advisor bundle
[5 Feb 2009 11:23] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to each of the 2.1.0, 2.0.5 and 2.0.4 changelogs:

A number of Advisor rules had advice text that had not been translated into Japanese. The Advisors that contained untranslated rules included Performance, Schema and Security.