I_S optimization algorithm can not extract lookup values in some cases.
How to repeat:
execute following query(mysqld with debug option enabled):
SELECT constraint_name, table_name, column_name, referenced_table_name,
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage
WHERE table_schema = SCHEMA()
AND referenced_table_schema = table_schema;
and check master.trace file:
you will find the following line:
INDEX VALUES: db_name='<nil>', table_name='<nil>'
It means that lookup values are not used.
but it should be
INDEX VALUES: db_name='test', table_name='<nil>'
if you interchange referenced_table_schema and table_schema the the query works
as it should be i.e.
SELECT constraint_name, table_name, column_name, referenced_table_name,
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage
WHERE table_schema = SCHEMA()
AND table_schema = referenced_table_schema;
works fine.