Bug #41247 Missing Instructions for Generating a New UUID
Submitted: 5 Dec 2008 3:41 Modified: 17 Mar 2010 13:26
Reporter: Donna Harmon Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:2.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: MC Brown CPU Architecture:Any

[5 Dec 2008 3:41] Donna Harmon
Below taken from 1.3 manual s/b added to 2.0 manual (changes have been made to below to reflect current version) Generate a New UUID: Unix and Mac OS X

In Unix go to the command line and type:
shell> /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/bin/mysql-monitor-agent --agent-generate-uuid

In Mac OS X go to the command line and type:
shell> /Applications/mysql/enterprise/agent/bin/mysql-monitor-agent --agent-generate-uuid

This should display a line similar to the following:

Paste this line into the ../etc/mysql-monitor-agent.ini  file. Generate a New UUID: Windows (should also be added)

Also page 42 and 43 of Mem 2.0 monitor.pdf says the below but no info for this is there.

"For more information about creating additional agents see, Section 2.6.2, “MySQL Server (agent-instance.ini) Configuration”."

First sentence in 2.6.2 the 1st "within a directory" s/b removed
For the MySQL server that you want to monitor, you must create an agent-instance.ini within a directory, within the directory

How to repeat:
Look at 2.0 monitor.pdf and online docs
[5 Dec 2008 4:14] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a reasonable documentation request.
[9 Dec 2008 16:58] Gary Whizin
workaround: run the agent with --help, follow those instructions
[9 Jan 2009 16:33] MC Brown
The documentation has been updated accordingly.
[13 Aug 2009 7:34] MC Brown
Hi Donna, 

I've made the additional changes you requested. 

In future, please do not use the PDF and page numbers to identify where the problems are you trying to  describe, as the page numbers and section numbers may have changed  between your report and when the changes are made. 

In this instance, I had problems following which parts of the documentation you were referring to as 'Page 43 and 43'. 

Which part of the documentation are referring as needing changes when you say: 

'Also, in the section there is now no warning, so the entire commented section s/b as

[14 Aug 2009 2:10] Donna Harmon
Hi MC,

I apologize, I had the below in the first bug I was commenting on and assumed you got that information first

"I'm going through and verifying the changes were made in the 2.0 manual pdf "Document generated on: 2009-03-11 (revision: 14197)"

Are you saying this information along with the page # and detailed text isn't sufficient to locate what needs to be changed?  If it is not, please give me an example of the information you are looking for that I can provide that will make it easiest for you to locate.

For this Sentence:
 "For more information about creating additional agents see, Section, “MySQL Server (agent-instance.ini) Configuration”.

Which links to this section which says:
#WARNING - the displayname defined below must be unique for each
# MySQL server being monitored.
# To use this .ini file as a template for configuring additional
# instances to monitor, do not simply copy and start a new agent
# without first modifying the displayname.
# Refer to the documentation for more detailed information and
# instructions.
# Version: 20080718_230416_r7011
hostname =
port = 3306
user = root

There is now no warning in this file, so the entire commented section s/b as follows:

# To use this .ini file as a template for configuring additional
# instances to monitor, do not simply copy and re-start the agent
# without first modifying the parameters below to match the login
# credentials for the new instance.
# Refer to the documentation for more detailed information and
# instructions.
# Version: 20081124_013729_r7105

Please let me know if you have any questions and how I may make this easier for you in the future.

[17 Mar 2010 13:26] MC Brown