Bug #4075 mysqlcc: saved history sometimes includes history from a different session
Submitted: 9 Jun 2004 13:10 Modified: 19 Jul 2004 23:45
Reporter: Bauke Jan Douma Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:mysqlcc-0.9.4-linux-glibc23.tar.gz OS:Linux (Linux-2.6.4)
Assigned to: Matthew Lord CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Jun 2004 13:10] Bauke Jan Douma
I noticed, when working with several 'test-databases', that when
I save history, the file to which is saved also contains history
from previous mysql/mysqlcc sessions(!), on a /different/ database,
(that doesn't even exists anymore) but possibly (I am not sure of
this) a same table name.

How to repeat:
Create multiple databases for testing, some with tables with the
same name (but entirely different data).  Delete one or more records
from databases.  Entirely remove databases.  Kill mysqlcc and mysql.

Fire up server again and mysqlcc.  Again create some databasa with
a table that's similar in name to one that earlier existed, though
this time has very different data.  Remove records from new table.
Save history.  Inspect saved file.  At some time contains history
from one of the earlier tables.

Suggested fix:
Fix relevant code, which presently is beyond me.
[19 Jul 2004 23:45] Matthew Lord
Hi Sir,

We are phasing out mysqlcc and replacing it with the new MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query 
Browser tools.  For this reason we are only fixing bugs which critical runtime bugs say something 
that causes table corruption.

Best Regards