Bug #4068 I can't start the mysql service on my Windows XP local host
Submitted: 9 Jun 2004 3:32 Modified: 23 Jun 2004 4:38
Reporter: Sue Eilers Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:4.1.1-alpha-win OS:Windows (Windows XP)
Assigned to: Matthew Lord CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Jun 2004 3:32] Sue Eilers
I unzipped the file I downloaded into C:\mysql
In C:\mysql\bin, (I don't type the >'s below, just what's after them).
I type > mysqld-nt --install.
Looks ok.
I then type > net start MySQL
I get an error screen indicating an error will be sent to Microsoft.
On my command prompt screen, I get 
The service is not responding to the control function.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2186. 

>NET HELPMSG 2186 gives 
The service is not responding to the control function.

The service cannot run your command at this time.
Try the command again later.
If the problem persists, stop and restart the service.

However, if the problem continues after you have restarted.....

Here's the mysql.err file from c:\mysql\data
openfrm: info: i_count: 2  i_parts: 8  index: 1  n_length: 385  int_length: 28  com_length: 0
open_table: info: inserting table 00E4F6B0 into the cache
openfrm: info: i_count: 1  i_parts: 3  index: 2  n_length: 173  int_length: 6  com_length: 0
open_table: info: inserting table 02EF2160 into the cache
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
mi_get_status: info: key_file: 1024  data_file: 0
mi_get_status: info: key_file: 2048  data_file: 152
mi_get_status: info: key_file: 3072  data_file: 153
init_read_record: info: using rr_sequential
init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 16384
init_read_record: info: using rr_sequential
init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 16384
acl_init: info: user table fields: 31, password length: 45
_mi_writeinfo: info: operation: 0  tot_locks: 1
init_read_record: info: using rr_sequential
init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 16384
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 0
mi_lock_database: info: old lock: 2
mi_lock_database: info: changed: 0  w_locks: 0
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 0
mi_lock_database: info: old lock: 2
mi_lock_database: info: changed: 0  w_locks: 0
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 0
mi_lock_database: info: old lock: 2
mi_lock_database: info: changed: 0  w_locks: 0
close_thread_tables: info: thd->open_tables=02EF2160
~THD(): info: freeing host
init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 32768
openfrm: info: i_count: 2  i_parts: 16  index: 2  n_length: 67  int_length: 105  com_length: 0
open_table: info: inserting table 02EF47E8 into the cache
openfrm: info: i_count: 1  i_parts: 5  index: 1  n_length: 60  int_length: 34  com_length: 0
open_table: info: inserting table 02EF1A18 into the cache
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
mi_get_status: info: key_file: 1024  data_file: 0
mi_get_status: info: key_file: 1024  data_file: 0
mi_rnext: error: Got error: -1,  errno: 137
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 0
mi_lock_database: info: old lock: 2
mi_lock_database: info: changed: 0  w_locks: 0
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 0
mi_lock_database: info: old lock: 2
mi_lock_database: info: changed: 0  w_locks: 0
close_thread_tables: info: thd->open_tables=02EF1A18
~THD(): info: freeing host
init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 32768
openfrm: info: i_count: 1  i_parts: 3  index: 1  n_length: 19  int_length: 21  com_length: 0
open_table: info: inserting table 02EF4930 into the cache
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 2
mi_get_status: info: key_file: 1024  data_file: 0
init_read_record: info: using rr_sequential
init_io_cache: info: init_io_cache: cachesize = 16384
mi_lock_database: info: lock_type: 0
mi_lock_database: info: old lock: 2
mi_lock_database: info: changed: 0  w_locks: 0
close_thread_tables: info: thd->open_tables=02EF4930
~THD(): info: freeing host
pthread_create: info: hThread=61660
pthread_create: info: hThread=61684
mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '4.1.1-alpha-max-debug'  socket: ''  port: 80

How to repeat:
Just do what I did above.

Note that I tried it a 2nd time with my port set to 80 because that's the port I can telnet to (although my telnet screen is wierd because I can't type on it.)

My IIS is running. I can ping my server as e9ew8 or as I can go onto IE and type http://c9ew8/sqltest and get the default.htm I have put into the c:\mysql\data directory. - I defined a virtual directory in IIS so sqltest is c:\mysql\data.

I hope you can help me because I am DEAD in the water and have tried to read all the books and other help I can find and am still stuck.

What is the extension of the data directory? Where should it be? What SHOULD be in c:\mysql\data?
What should the database name for the MyODBC driver be? If I make it c:\mysql\data, and click on "Test Data Source" nothing happens - the cursor stays in 'wait' until I kill the ODBC manager.
[10 Jun 2004 21:45] Sue Eilers
I don't know what else I can add. What do you need to know?
[16 Jun 2004 19:28] Matthew Lord
Hi Sue,

We had problems with 4.1.1 alpha start service which was resolved in 4.1.1a.

Have you been able to try our 4.1.2 windows binaries, this would be the best
course for you as this problem should be resolved as well as many others?

Best Regards,

[21 Jun 2004 3:26] Sue Eilers
I downloaded & installed 4.1.2. It starts ok but I still cannot connect to it.
I get error 2003 - The requested metafile operation is not supported.
All I have done is started the server & then typed mysql -u root.

I get a bunch of files in my data directory - 
 Directory of C:\mysql\data

06/20/2004  09:23 PM    <DIR>          .
06/20/2004  09:23 PM    <DIR>          ..
06/20/2004  09:09 PM               869 e9ew8.err
06/20/2004  09:09 PM        10,485,760 ibdata1
06/20/2004  09:09 PM         5,242,880 ib_logfile0
06/20/2004  09:09 PM         5,242,880 ib_logfile1
06/20/2004  09:07 PM    <DIR>          mysql
06/20/2004  09:09 PM               291 mysql.err
12/03/2003  03:41 PM    <DIR>          test

test has nothing in it. mysql has the files from the install.

I'd attach files but I don't seem to be able to figure out how to do that.
[22 Jun 2004 18:01] MySQL Verification Team

Version: '4.1.1-alpha-max-debug'  socket: ''  port: 80

are you trying to use the port 80 for the MySQL server ? instead of
3306/07... Could you please show us your my.ini/my.cnf file.

[23 Jun 2004 3:36] Sue Eilers
in C:\windows\my.ini:
[23 Jun 2004 4:38] MySQL Verification Team
Your my.ini is wrong.

The MySQL server needs either TCP/IP or named pipe enabled for its
functionality. You have disabled both with the lines:

skip-networking  # disables TCP/IP
;;enable-named-pipe # don't takes effect

So you can see the MySQL server message error:

C:\mysql\bin>mysqld-nt --standalone --console
040622 23:25:10  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 43634
mysqld-nt: ready for connections.
Version: '4.1.2-alpha-nt'  socket: ''  port: 0
040622 23:25:11  TCP/IP,--shared-memory or --named-pipe should be configured on NT OS
040622 23:25:11  Aborting

040622 23:25:11  InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
040622 23:25:13  InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 43634
040622 23:25:13  mysqld-nt: Shutdown complete

then I changed the my.ini for to have only named pipe:


C:\mysql\bin>mysqld-nt --standalone --console
040622 23:26:48  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 43634
mysqld-nt: ready for connections.
Version: '4.1.2-alpha-nt'  socket: ''  port: 0

now I changed the my.ini like below:


C:\mysql\bin>mysqld-nt --standalone --console
040622 23:36:55  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 43634
mysqld-nt: ready for connections.
Version: '4.1.2-alpha-nt'  socket: ''  port: 3306

I used the standalone start for to show you the message errors.
However the same results you get starting the server as service.
[23 Jun 2004 18:12] Sue Eilers
You're right. That fixed the latest problem.