Bug #40259 implicit type casting for non string values is not allowed in v5.x connectors
Submitted: 22 Oct 2008 15:40 Modified: 23 Oct 2008 7:04
Reporter: vathsalya sangam Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:Connector / J Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:v5.x OS:Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[22 Oct 2008 15:40] vathsalya sangam
the connector v5.1.6, doesn’t allow default type casting. Datetime, Integer and other types values should be explicitly converted to string ,if weare trying to use any string functions (ex :CONCAT)on them. v3.x does the type casting automatically.

How to repeat:
SELECT CONCAT(company_id,"/",location_id) as compLoc from db_customers.
(if compnay_id and location_id are two integer or datetime values)

Suggested fix:
explictly convert non string values to CHAR type before performing any string functions on those values.
ex:SELECT CONCAT(CAST(company_id AS CHAR),'/',  CAST(location_id as CHAR)) AS compLoc from db_customer.
[23 Oct 2008 7:04] Tonci Grgin
Hi Vathsalya and thanks for your report.

Suggested fix:
explictly convert non string values to CHAR type before performing any string functions on those values.
ex:SELECT CONCAT(CAST(company_id AS CHAR),'/',  CAST(location_id as CHAR)) AS compLoc from db_customer.
Again, as with your last report, I am puzzled by severity. This should also be S4 (feature request), right?

the connector v5.1.6, doesn’t allow default type casting. Datetime, Integer and other
types values should be explicitly converted to string ,if weare trying to use any string
functions (ex :CONCAT)on them. v3.x does the type casting automatically.

How to repeat:
SELECT CONCAT(company_id,"/",location_id) as compLoc from db_customers.
(if compnay_id and location_id are two integer or datetime values)

Old c/J did not respect BINARY flag in metadata thus it appeared to work correctly but only in this case. Your suggestion is not applicable always nor is it a good one. Check following test:
(for 5.1 and up type: c:\mysql\bin>mysql -uroot -p --column-type-info test)
c:\mysql\bin>mysql -uroot -p -T test
Enter password: ********
Server version: 5.0.68-pb10-log MySQL Pushbuild Edition, build 10

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(12345, "/", 6789) AS Col1;
Field   1:  `Col1`
Catalog:    `def`
Database:   ``
Table:      ``
Org_table:  ``
Type:       VAR_STRING
Collation:  binary (63)
Length:     10
Max_length: 10
Decimals:   31
Flags:      NOT_NULL BINARY <<<

| Col1       |
| 12345/6789 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

So, result is a BINARY string without collation, which is a definition of BLOB... Ad hoc user queries do not allow connector to distinguish between "SHOW CREATE TABLE", for example, where it should treat BINARY as UTF8, and "SELECT varbinary_col FROM some_table", where it really should be binary. Similar problem can be observed above with function results (CONCAT) too.

Now that we've established that this is a flaw in server metadata returned to client (although it is documented in manual) let's read manual for you once again. To bypass this shortcoming, c/J has special connection string property which you can set (as a matter of fact, all connectors have it!), functionsNeverReturnBlobs.

Please set this to True and retest. You might also want to download c/J 5.1.7.

Finally, this is *not* a bug but well documented and expected behaviour of both connector and server and thus !Bg.