Bug #40044 Maria: maria.test fails under Windows (lock wait timeout)
Submitted: 15 Oct 2008 12:27 Modified: 8 Jan 2009 10:42
Reporter: Guilhem Bichot Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Maria storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1-maria OS:Windows
Assigned to: Sergei Golubchik CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Oct 2008 12:27] Guilhem Bichot
On two Windows machines we see:

maria.maria                    [ fail ]

mysqltest: At line 1491: query 'reap' failed with wrong errno 1205: 'Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction', instead of 1062...

The result from queries just before the failure was:
< snip >
(repeat('i',243)), (repeat('b',172)), (repeat('z',94)), (repeat('i',218)),
(repeat('a',177)), (repeat('g',251)), (repeat('q',161)), (repeat('x',231)),
(repeat('p',51)), (repeat('f',141)), (repeat('m',28)), (repeat('r',77)),
(repeat('h',56)), (repeat('k',23)), (repeat('f',198)), (repeat('o',243)),
(repeat('d',160)), (repeat('h',82));
check table t2 extended;
Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
test.t2	check	status	OK
drop table t2;
create table t1 (a int unique) transactional=1;
insert t1 values (1);
lock table t1 write concurrent;
insert t1 values (2);
lock table t1 write concurrent;
insert t1 values (3);
insert t1 values (2);
insert t1 values (3);
ERROR 40001: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
unlock tables;
ERROR HY000: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction

How to repeat:
I guess, run test under Windows. But I could not repeat it on my Windows machine.
[21 Oct 2008 19:25] Sergei Golubchik
committed: http://lists.mysql.com/maria/248
approved on irc
[7 Nov 2008 15:25] Guilhem Bichot
fixed in 6.0.8
[8 Jan 2009 10:42] MC Brown
Test case failure. No documentation needed.