Bug #40033 NET Connector subject to crash
Submitted: 15 Oct 2008 3:16 Modified: 28 Oct 2008 0:50
Reporter: Jared S (Silver Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.3 OS:Windows (Any)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: dictionary, key, qc

[15 Oct 2008 3:16] Jared S

Given Query which parses in QB, .NET Connector fails.

How to repeat:
	public MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader DTR0; //handles NULLs alot better
	public MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection CON0;
	public MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand CMD0;

	private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

		CON0 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection();
		CON0.ConnectionString = "server=localhost;database=information_schema;uid=root;pwd=;port=3306";

	private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

	string zSQL = null;

		zSQL = "SELECT *, columns.ordinal_position FROM KEY_COLUMN_USAGE INNER JOIN COLUMNS ON COLUMNS.TABLE_SCHEMA = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_schema and columns.table_name = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_name and columns.column_name = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.column_name WHERE CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA  = 'cyclops' and constraint_name <> 'PRIMARY' ORDER BY KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_name, columns.ordinal_position ASC";
		CMD0 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(zSQL, CON0);

			DTR0 = CMD0.ExecuteReader();
			catch (Exception ex)
			Trace.WriteLine(ex.Source.ToString() + " - " + ex.Message.ToString());


Suggested fix:
Elaborate err msg, or work around the retardation present in NET Connector.
[15 Oct 2008 3:19] Jared S
Sample Project

Attachment: NetConQuery.zip (application/x-zip-compressed, text), 11.71 KiB.

[15 Oct 2008 8:25] Tonci Grgin
Hi Jared and thanks for your report.

What I believe is happening is that you expired some/several timeouts as this query truly takes way too long to execute (bug is already filed against I__S being slow). On my almost empty box it takes 30+ seconds in cl client:
0 rows in set (31.27 sec)

So, I'd suggest you to increase timeouts when dealing with I__S. To me it appears as !Bg.
[15 Oct 2008 9:42] Jared S
"select 1 as ex1, 2 as ex1"

"SELECT *, columns.ordinal_position FROM KEY_COLUMN_USAGE INNER JOIN COLUMNS ON COLUMNS.TABLE_SCHEMA = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_schema and columns.table_name = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_name and columns.column_name = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.column_name WHERE CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA  = 'test' and constraint_name <> 'PRIMARY' ORDER BY KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_name, columns.ordinal_position ASC"

A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
mscorlib - Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'ORDINAL_POSITION'  Key being added: 'ordinal_position'

Please investigate again using 5.2.3 production release and ensure your error matches the error I am reporting as a bug.  You may need to create table called `test` or `cyclops` depending on my sample I gave.
[15 Oct 2008 9:45] Tonci Grgin
Ok Jared, got it. Did you tried against MySQL server 6.x?
[15 Oct 2008 14:12] Tonci Grgin
Jared, you know it does not work that way... I'm obliged to use latest sources there are. So, using branches\5.2 fully updated I can not repeat your problem. All I see is what I already suggested; query taking too long thus getting killed:
081015 15:50:59	      5 Connect     root@localhost on information_schema
		      5 Query       SHOW VARIABLES
		      5 Query       SHOW COLLATION
		      5 Query       SET NAMES utf8;SET character_set_results=NULL
		      5 Init DB     information_schema
		      5 Query       SELECT *, columns.ordinal_position FROM KEY_COLUMN_USAGE INNER JOIN COLUMNS ON COLUMNS.TABLE_SCHEMA = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_schema and columns.table_name = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_name and columns.column_name = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.column_name WHERE CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA  = 'cyclops' and constraint_name <> 'PRIMARY' ORDER BY KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_name, columns.ordinal_position ASC
081015 15:51:00	      1 Query       SHOW /*!50000 GLOBAL */ VARIABLES
		      1 Query       SHOW INNODB STATUS
		      1 Query       SHOW /*!50000 GLOBAL */ STATUS
081015 15:51:29	      6 Connect     root@localhost on information_schema
		      6 Query       SHOW VARIABLES
		      6 Query       SHOW COLLATION
081015 15:51:30	      6 Query       SET NAMES utf8;SET character_set_results=NULL
		      6 Init DB     information_schema
		      6 Query       KILL QUERY 5
		      6 Quit       

Also, you're probably using VS2008 while I have only VS2005.

My test case (passes):
	        MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader DTR0;
	        MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection CON0;
	        MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand CMD0;

		    CON0 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection();
		    CON0.ConnectionString = "server=localhost;database=information_schema;uid=root;pwd=;port=";

	        string zSQL = null;

		    zSQL = "SELECT *, columns.ordinal_position FROM KEY_COLUMN_USAGE INNER JOIN COLUMNS ON COLUMNS.TABLE_SCHEMA = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_schema and columns.table_name = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_name and columns.column_name = KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.column_name WHERE CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA  = 'cyclops' and constraint_name <> 'PRIMARY' ORDER BY KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.table_name, columns.ordinal_position ASC";
		    CMD0 = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(zSQL, CON0);
            CMD0.CommandTimeout = 50;

			        DTR0 = CMD0.ExecuteReader();
			catch (Exception ex)
			        Trace.WriteLine(ex.Source.ToString() + " - " + ex.Message.ToString());


If I remove "CMD0.CommandTimeout = 50;" I get error from log above.

So? Will you build latest sources and recheck? Or am I missing something?
[15 Oct 2008 19:27] Jared S
You appearing to hit a server bug, I know it is not any of the following:

- 5.1.28
- 5.0.67

Please inform of Server you use so I can log split bug.  Please retry repo with a Servers from above.
[16 Oct 2008 7:02] Tonci Grgin
Jared, what are you talking about? General query log from server (5.0.68 btw) is perfectly clear and expected.
[19 Oct 2008 21:26] Jared S
Don't have x.x.68 on hand to view the results you are getting first hand.  I don't why a 'query lock' is clear and expected behaviour.  I think sister bug report needs to be generated at this point with x.x.68 server.  The fact that you can not repeat this bug on latest sources only suspends this issue.
[20 Oct 2008 5:58] Tonci Grgin
Jared, of course it only suspends the report. Now, please take TortoiseSVN, or any other SVN client you might prefer, and check out c/NET repository at:

Latest version (5.3) should be in trunk. Other versions are in appropriate places. You might need to comment out signing of assembly in AssemblyInfo file. Please build new driver and retest.

Killing of query from separate thread is what's to be expected as original I__S query takes too long time to complete, see my test case again.

I do not see a server bug here, so far, nor there is anything in what you wrote to convince me otherwise. My opinion is that there is something in your code producing reported error. Does my test case fail the same way yours does on your machine (toggle command timeout)? Does new c/NET version 5.2 from SVN repo fail the same way?
[20 Oct 2008 8:58] Bogdan Degtyariov

I have received the same results that Tonci has. I_S has some performance problems. However, it is not considered as a bug. It is just a known issue that I believe will be resolved (though not right now).

Your application has either to catch the timeout exception or increase the command timeout. If you want to get the results of your SELECT query I would suggest bigger command timeout, which has already been advised by Tonci.

If something is not working fast as you want it does not always mean the bug in the server or connector driver. The current case is exactly such sort of situations.
[20 Oct 2008 9:01] Jared S
Duplicate of http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=37239

Can verify fix in 5.3 (which is not released!)
[24 Oct 2008 4:40] Valeriy Kravchuk
Duplicate of bug #37239.
[28 Oct 2008 0:50] Jared S
Direct SVN link