Bug #39876 SQL BNF as overview
Submitted: 6 Oct 2008 9:46 Modified: 15 Oct 2009 14:07
Reporter: Susanne Ebrecht Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S5 (Performance)
Version: OS:Linux (any)
Assigned to: MC Brown CPU Architecture:Any

[6 Oct 2008 9:46] Susanne Ebrecht
Often I have the need to look up SQL Syntax because of not having it in mind. Also often I know SQL commands from SQL Standard or other DBMS and just want to know if MySQL is supporting the command or not. And also often I don't have help tables.

I want a page at the documentation where just the SQL commands + BNF is listed. An simple overview where all SQL commands are listed in alphabetical order plus it's BNF.

This would help:

1) when you know the command just forget the Syntax (like for rarely used ALTER stuff)

2) when you heard about a command but you are unsure if it exist or not.


How to repeat:
It is a feature request

Suggested fix:
Will type hidden
[15 Oct 2009 14:07] MC Brown
We now have a index that provides a list (and reference points) for all of our syntax and statements, including links to the relevant page with our BNF:


The BNF is not on the same page, but is only a click away. Currently, merging this information together with the BNF would make for a very large page, and we would separately need a better of navigating this content to make it practical. 

A more extensive page and way of viewing/representing this information is being considered.