Bug #39794 Large Result Sets Crash GUI Tools If Using SSL
Submitted: 1 Oct 2008 22:00 Modified: 20 Oct 2009 6:25
Reporter: Wes Henderson Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL GUI Common Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: encryption, SSL

[1 Oct 2008 22:00] Wes Henderson
When a query returns a large result set and SSL is enabled, the GUI tools frequently crash or hang.  For example, in the query browser, if you execute "SELECT * FROM table" and table contains a lot of data, the query browser will often crash.

This is especially serious because it becomes impossible to back up large databases using MySQL Administrator with SSL.  During the backup, the progress bar will freeze and it never completes.

The behavior is somewhat random.  A query might work once but fail later.  It also can happen to smaller result sets, but much less often.  The main triggering factor seems to be either the size of the data or the duration of the data transfer.

How to repeat:
First, you will need to configure an SSL connection for the server and the GUI tools.  There is a good procedure for this at Bug #39301 (http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=39301).

Next, you will need a large table.  If the table is big enough, it is almost certain to crash.  I would recommend several hundred thousand rows and several columns.

Finally, run the query browser and select the entire table.  At some point during the transfer of the result set, it will crash.

Suggested fix:
As a workaround, the user can disable SSL.  However, this takes away the connection security, so it is not ideal.

Since this crashes both MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query Browser, there must be a problem with "MySQL GUI Common" or possibly the database driver itself.
[1 Oct 2008 23:29] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[8 Oct 2008 17:55] Wes Henderson
Any plans to fix this?
[2 Apr 2009 21:02] Wes Henderson
Update: This is still occurring as of GUI Tools 1.2.17.
[20 Oct 2009 6:25] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for writing a bug report. We are on the way to implement full functionality of
MySQL GUI tools into MySQL Workbench. We won't fix this anymore.

More informations about MySQL Workbench you will find here:
