Bug #3967 fix_privilege_tables doesn't use the password
Submitted: 2 Jun 2004 15:30 Modified: 3 Jun 2004 0:12
Reporter: Matthias Urlichs Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.1 OS:-
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[2 Jun 2004 15:30] Matthias Urlichs
The fix_privileges script doesn't use the password I give to it as an argument.

How to repeat:
Look at scripts/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sh. You find:

cmd="$bindir/mysql -f --user=$user --host=$host"
if test -z "$password" ; then
  cmd="$cmd --password=$password"

This is obviously wrong.

Suggested fix:
Add a bang:

cmd="$bindir/mysql -f --user=$user --host=$host"
if test ! -z "$password" ; then
  cmd="$cmd --password=$password"
[3 Jun 2004 0:12] Matthew Lord
I was unable to repeat the problem in 4.0.20(binary) or 4.1.2 (bk source).  
If you need to provide a password you should do so as:
./mysql_fix_privilege_tables *******
[3 Jun 2004 4:12] Matthias Urlichs
So try it with a root account that doesn't *have* a password...