Bug #39443 .pdb-files not delivered with 5.1.28
Submitted: 14 Sep 2008 15:42 Modified: 12 Jun 2009 19:15
Reporter: Anders Karlsson Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Packaging Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.28 OS:Windows (XP)
Assigned to: Jonathan Perkin CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Sep 2008 15:42] Anders Karlsson
in libs\debug there used to be the PDB files for libmysql, mysqlclient etc. In 5.1.28 these are gone, which produce wany warnings when linking with Debug info in my application. If I want to do a static link (with mysqlclient) and still debug my application, I get those warnings. Which aren't that bad, but unnecessary.

How to repeat:
Link a MySQL application statically in Visual C++ with mysqlclient as usual, and yu will get a load of warnings for mysqlclient.pdb missing.

Suggested fix:
Include the .pdb files again. They do no harm and are not that big either.
[14 Sep 2008 16:04] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[12 Jun 2009 19:15] Lars Heill
Of a random selection of 5.1.35 packages:



contain .pdb files for libmysql, mysqlclient, mysys, regex, strings, zlib.

These do *not* include the .pdb files:

  mysql-5.1.35-winx64.msi ("complete" install)
  mysql-essential-5.1.35-winx64.msi ("complete" install)
  mysql-advanced-gpl-5.1.35-winx64.msi ("complete" install)

Looks like an issue with x64 msi installers.