Bug #39099 Ubuntu 8.04-1 LTS 64-bit: Mysql-Admin cannot save startup-parameter changes.
Submitted: 28 Aug 2008 15:15 Modified: 26 May 2009 13:00
Reporter: Aaron Freed Email Updates:
Status: Unsupported Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:1.2.12 OS:Linux (Ubuntu 8.04-1 LTS 64-bit edition)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: account, changes, directory, file, filesystem, GUI, MySQL, mysql-admin, mysqld, mysqld_safe, not, Parameters, permissions, read-only, root, startup, tools, writable

[28 Aug 2008 15:15] Aaron Freed
Regardless of how I set filesystem permissions (e.g. giving ownership of /etc/mysql to the group mysql) or whether or not I log into mysql-administrator as root, the Startup Parameters section will not allow changes to be saved.  A notice in the lower left corner says "Editing file /etc/mysql/my.cnf  Section mysqld_safe (or mysqld, depending on which one I pick)  Note: changes can't be saved because the file is not writable".

I can su  to the mysql-user's account and easily change the permissions, make the backup, my.cnf.maold, and so on, but, for some reason, this GUI application cannot--any attempts to save changes result in the display of an "access denied" type of error message.

How to repeat:
This appears to be a problem with any MySQL-Administrator installation, at least on Ubuntu.  This may actually NOT be mysql's fault, but rather an error caused by the way Ubuntu modifies MySQL.

Suggested fix:
None, at present.  Researching...
[2 Sep 2008 17:51] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[26 May 2009 13:00] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for writing a bug report. We are on the way to implement full functionality of MySQL Administrator into MySQL Workbench. Unfortunately you are using an unsupported platform. More informations about supported platforms you will find here:


More informations about MySQL Workbench you will find here:

[30 Sep 2009 14:10] aneolf anatine
Debian GNU/Linux 64 Bits, Alias Lenny have de same problem too
[26 Apr 2011 13:26] Jon Carter
I've also had this problem on SuSE 11.3 and Ubuntu 10.04.

When it happens I also can't use any of my databases as it doesn't recognise InnoDB as a legitimate engine type.