Bug #38881 | stored procedure with blob as INOUT type return wrong while charset not latin1 | ||
Submitted: | 19 Aug 2008 4:41 | Modified: | 24 Feb 2022 13:49 |
Reporter: | Yiping Wang | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Can't repeat | Impact on me: | |
Category: | Connector / J | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar | OS: | Any |
Assigned to: | Alexander Soklakov | CPU Architecture: | Any |
Tags: | BLOB, charset, INOUT, stored procedure |
[19 Aug 2008 4:41]
Yiping Wang
[19 Aug 2008 4:44]
Yiping Wang
some material to reprodure the bug
Attachment: material.zip (application/x-zip-compressed, text), 62.14 KiB.
[19 Aug 2008 4:49]
Yiping Wang
add one comment, it also can be reproduced with VARBINARY or BINARY type.
[19 Aug 2008 5:04]
Mark Matthews
Output parameters are problematic with MySQL, in that there isn't direct support for them. The JDBC driver needs to use user variables to hold their value, and these have casting and conversion artifacts. If you need to return BLOBs from stored procedures, return them as result sets, i.e. just "SELECT BLOB_COL FROM testblob WHERE INT_COL = INT_P;" and access the result set as you would with any other statement.
[19 Aug 2008 11:17]
MySQL Verification Team
Please try the suggestion done by Mark in his last comment. Thanks.
[20 Aug 2008 6:28]
Yiping Wang
Hi All, Thanks for your quick response. yes it can return valid value in resultset, but what I concern is the issue only occurs in "INOUT" type and it has not related to if or not the stored procedure has a select script. please look the below stored procedure: create PROCEDURE spp (IN INT_P INTEGER, inout BLOB_P varbinary(20)) P1: BEGIN INSERT INTO testblob(INT_COL, BLOB_COL) values (INT_P, BLOB_P); END P1 the blob_p is inout type, I just insert a row in the table. the issue still can be reproduced. I have another try for blob, use the below sp. create PROCEDURE spp (IN INT_P INTEGER, out BLOB_P varbinary(20)) P1: BEGIN --SELECT BLOB_COL into blob_p FROM testblob WHERE INT_COL = INT_P; END P1 insert a row before call the sp, I can get the right value.
[20 Aug 2008 7:46]
Yiping Wang
sorry, the second sp should be: create PROCEDURE spp (IN INT_P INTEGER, out BLOB_P varbinary(20)) P1: BEGIN SELECT BLOB_COL into blob_p FROM testblob WHERE INT_COL = INT_P; END P1 and the point is this issue doesn't exist if charset is latin1. but appears in GBK or UTF8
[2 Oct 2008 8:26]
Tonci Grgin
Yiping, please retest with special attention to other unicode support properties in connection string: Property Name Definition Default Value Since Version useUnicode Should the driver use Unicode character encodings when handling strings? Should only be used when the driver can't determine the character set mapping, or you are trying to 'force' the driver to use a character set that MySQL either doesn't natively support (such as UTF-8), true/false, defaults to 'true' true 1.1g characterEncoding If 'useUnicode' is set to true, what character encoding should the driver use when dealing with strings? (defaults is to 'autodetect') 1.1g characterSetResults Character set to tell the server to return results as. 3.0.13 connectionCollation If set, tells the server to use this collation via 'set collation_ connection' 3.0.13 useBlobToStoreUTF8OutsideBMP Tells the driver to treat [MEDIUM/LONG]BLOB columns as [LONG]VARCHAR columns holding text encoded in UTF-8 that has characters outside the BMP (4-byte encodings), which MySQL server can't handle natively. false 5.1.3 utf8OutsideBmpExcludedColumnNamePattern When "useBlobToStoreUTF8OutsideBMP" is set to "true", column names matching the given regex will still be treated as BLOBs unless they match the regex specified for "utf8OutsideBmpIncludedColumnNamePattern". The regex must follow the patterns used for the java.util.regex package. 5.1.3 utf8OutsideBmpIncludedColumnNamePattern Used to specify exclusion rules to "utf8OutsideBmpExcludedColumnNamePattern". The regex must follow the patterns used for the java.util.regex package. 5.1.3 and so on. Inform me of result. By definition BLOB is "binary" which means "charsetless" so this problem really confuses me. Please paste output from mysql command line client of: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%charset%"; Please paste output from mysql command line client of: SHOW CREATE TABLE testblob; (I want to see something like ") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 |"). My best guess, for now, is that your table is actually latin1 and you get UTF bytes converted to latin1 producing double the output.
[10 Oct 2008 10:18]
Yiping Wang
Hi Tonci, I am sorry I am just back from vocation. below is the information of the table. ------------------------------------------------- mysql> show variables like "%charset%"; Empty set (0.00 sec) mysql> show create table testblob; +----------+----------------+ | Table | Create Table | ----------------------------+ | testblob | CREATE TABLE `testblob` ( `int_col` int(11) default NULL, `blob_col` blob ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 | ----------------------------+ I am sorry, I don't fully understand which property you want me to try. I just try the UseUnicode, not matter true or false will introdece same wrong result. could you be more soecific? thank you very much. I am confused that why the out type for blob can get right value in sp, but inout can't. I am realy
[9 Apr 2009 13:12]
Tonci Grgin
Yiping sorry. Please go to database with this table (USE my_database) and then do: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%char%"; Paste the output here.
[9 May 2009 23:00]
Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the information that was originally requested, please do so and change the status of the bug back to "Open".