Bug #38686 In the Table Editor, default storage engine is always MYISAM
Submitted: 9 Aug 2008 0:10 Modified: 27 Aug 2008 23:04
Reporter: Federico Razzoli (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.2.12 OS:Linux (Ubuntu 8.04)
Assigned to: MySQL Verification Team CPU Architecture:Any

[9 Aug 2008 0:10] Federico Razzoli
When you create a new table, default storage engine is always the first of the list (MyISAM).
Instead, it should depend from the storage_engine server variable.

How to repeat:
Change the value of storage_engine to InnoDB or ARCHIVE.
Create a new table with the Table Editor.
Look at the Table Options tab.
[27 Aug 2008 23:04] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I could not repeat on FC6 (I have in my.cnf file the variable default-storage-engine=InnoDB).