Bug #38605 Save button of "Edit Your Profile" page forwards me to "Create Account" page
Submitted: 6 Aug 2008 14:37 Modified: 7 Aug 2008 16:21
Reporter: Ryusuke Kajiyama Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: MySQLForge Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:MacOS
Assigned to: Jay Pipes CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: forge

[6 Aug 2008 14:37] Ryusuke Kajiyama
After editing my profile in MySQL forge, clicking Save button of  "Edit Your Profile" page shows no error, but I was just forwarded to "Create Account" page.
It happened with both Firefox and Safari on Mac OS X.
I heard from community contributor that it happened on Windows.

How to repeat:
1. Login to MySQL forge (not @mysql.com address)
2. Edit your profile either private or public info, maybe changing your timezone
3. Click "Save" button at the bottom of the page

Then you will see "Create Account" page with email address which you used to login.
[6 Aug 2008 14:52] Giuseppe Maxia
Verified as described.
Additionally, data changed in the profile is not saved.
[7 Aug 2008 16:21] Jay Pipes
Incorrect usage of session object resulted in error condition.  Corrected to use the proper calling: $session->get('user_id') within handler.

Fixed in r548