Bug #38579 Can't see any output (not even --version) from mysqlbinlog in 5.1.18+ on Windows
Submitted: 5 Aug 2008 17:23 Modified: 12 Aug 2008 4:48
Reporter: Chris Calender Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Command-line Clients Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:mysqlbinlog with 5.1.18+ OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: --version, mysqlbinlog, Output, version

[5 Aug 2008 17:23] Chris Calender
One cannot see any output from mysqlbinlog on the console when using the mysqlbinlog included with 5.1.18 through 5.1.26.

This is true if you just want to see output from the binary log.

Just trying to check the --version output fails.

However, note that if you pipe this output to mysql (i.e., mysqlbinlog binlog.00001 | mysql), the statements included in the binary log will be applied.

How to repeat:
It's very simple to check the --version.

1. Download 5.1.26.
2. cd to C:\Program Files\MySQL\mysql-5.1.26\bin
3. run mysqlbinlog --version (or mysqlbinlog.exe --version)

C:\Program Files\MySQL\mysql-5.1.26\bin>mysqlbinlog --version
mysqlbinlog: unknown variable 'default-character-set=latin1'

C:\Program Files\MySQL\mysql-5.1.26\bin>mysqlbinlog.exe --version
mysqlbinlog.exe: unknown variable 'default-character-set=latin1'

If you want to try it with an actual binary log, then:

1. Install and start an instance of 5.1.26 with binary logging enabled (statement based replication).
2. Try to view the binary log, using mysqlbinlog:

C:\Program Files\MySQL\mysql-5.1.26\bin>mysqlbinlog.exe Chris-PC-bin.000001
mysqlbinlog.exe: unknown variable 'default-character-set=latin1'

Suggested fix:
This started with the mysqlbinlog included in 5.1.18.  The version included with 5.1.17 works as expected.

I've scanned the 5.1.18 changelogs and see the following two fixes to mysqlbinlog that occurred at that time.  I suspect one of these two are to blame, but I'm not 100% positive.

mysqlbinlog produced different output with the -R option than without it. (Bug#27171)

mysqlbinlog --base64-output produced invalid SQL. (Bug#26194)
[11 Aug 2008 5:09] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Sorry, but I can not repeat the behaviour described with 5.1.26-rc on my Windows XP:

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin>mysqlbinlog.exe --version
mysqlbinlog.exe Ver 3.3 for Win32 at ia32

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin>mysqld.exe --version
mysqld.exe  Ver 5.1.26-rc-community for Win32 on ia32 (MySQL Community Server (GPL))

Please, send your my.ini file content.
[11 Aug 2008 19:53] Chris Calender
I thought I didn't have a config file, but an old one was being read, which is what caused the problem.  Please close, as this is not a bug.