Bug #38422 Plugin Interface for PROCEDUREs
Submitted: 29 Jul 2008 2:34 Modified: 29 Jul 2008 9:28
Reporter: Federico Razzoli (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: DML Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Jul 2008 2:34] Federico Razzoli
Please note that when I'm saying PROCEDURE, I don't mean STORED PROCEDURES; I mean PROCEDUREs such as ANALYSE(). The terminology is a bit confusing.

PROCEDUREs are used rarely, but I think they are a great feature. If you implement a plugin interface for PROCEDUREs, we will have the following advantages:

* Installing a PROCEDURE will be easier
* We will be able to get a list of existing PROCEDUREs and information about them (via INFORMATION_SCHEMA)
* If one writes a new PROCEDURE, he will be encouraged to share it with other users
* When you implement external languages, maybe you could make it possible to write procedures in such languages (Java would be great)
* This feature would add consistency to the server

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