Bug #3815 mysql_install_db
Submitted: 18 May 2004 16:38 Modified: 7 Jul 2004 13:59
Reporter: Choon-Hwa Jeong Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:4.1 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: Alexander Barkov CPU Architecture:Any

[18 May 2004 16:38] Choon-Hwa Jeong

I've got a problem at installing mysql ver 4.1.

The configure option is below.
./configure  --prefix=/YesVeryHome/system/mysql  --with-charset=euckr

And everything's OK before running mysql_install_db.

I've got the error message (listed below) at running it.

I guess that the charset (EUC_KR) dosen't match between compilation and running mysqld.

How to fix it.

Please reply to me~~~~ please!!

Installing all prepared tables
/YesVeryHome/system/mysql/libexec/mysqld: Character set 'euc_kr' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/YesVeryHome/system/mysql/share/mysql/charsets/Index.xml' file
040518 23:24:50  Aborting

040518 23:24:50  /YesVeryHome/system/mysql/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

../../../bin/mysql_install_db: line 274: 25665 Broken pipe             cat $fill_help_tables
Installation of grant tables failed!

Examine the logs in /YesVeryHome/system/mysql/var for more information.
You can also try to start the mysqld daemon with:
/YesVeryHome/system/mysql/libexec/mysqld --skip-grant &
You can use the command line tool
/YesVeryHome/system/mysql/bin/mysql to connect to the mysql
database and look at the grant tables:

shell> /YesVeryHome/system/mysql/bin/mysql -u root mysql
mysql> show tables

Try 'mysqld --help' if you have problems with paths. Using --log
gives you a log in /YesVeryHome/system/mysql/var that may be helpful.

The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at
Please consult the MySQL manual section: 'Problems running mysql_install_db',
and the manual section that describes problems on your OS.
Another information source is the MySQL email archive.
Please check all of the above before mailing us!
And if you do mail us, you MUST use the /YesVeryHome/system/mysql/bin/mysqlbug script!

How to repeat:
Sorry! I don't know what you mean "How to repeat".
[20 May 2004 11:56] Alexander Barkov
I think you're upgrading from 4.0 and you have "default-chatacter-set=euc_kr"
somewhere in my.cnf: /etc/my.cnf, /YesVeryHome/system/mysql/var/my.cnf or
$HOME/.my.cnf. Please change euc_kr to euckr, and try again. Please give
[7 Jul 2004 13:59] Alexander Barkov
Looks like not a bug. CLosed as there is not feedback.