Bug #37915 COM_STMT_EXECUTE can be trickted into reading invalid memory
Submitted: 7 Jul 2008 7:58 Modified: 7 Jul 2008 20:22
Reporter: Jan Kneschke Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.51b OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[7 Jul 2008 7:58] Jan Kneschke
a empty COM_STMT_EXECUTE commands leads to access of invalid memory.

How to repeat:
  09:22:02.487155 writev(9, [{"\1\0\0\0\27", 5}], 1) = 5

  09:22:02.489021 recvfrom(9, 
    "R\0\0\1\377\333\4#HY000Unknown prepared statement handler (16777216) 
     given to mysql_stmt_execute", 86, 0, NULL, NULL) = 86

16777216 isn't a provided stmt-id. 

Suggested fix:
sql_prepare.cc (mysql_stmt_execute())

    ulong stmt_id= uint4korr(packet);
    ulong flags= (ulong) packet[4];

    packet+= 9;

[7 Jul 2008 20:22] Konstantin Osipov
This is intentional. We always know that the packet is bigger and are saving on one if.
I know it sounds insane, but this is how this code was written, i verified it works, and have no intention to change what's not broken -- in many other places in the server we do the same when parse the input packet.
[8 Jul 2008 12:31] Jan Kneschke
The "suggested fix" section is containing the "buggy code section". 

The real suggested fix is:
* check the length before using the data and 
* return a error-packet or close the connection