Bug #379 PROCESSLIST reports wrong host name
Submitted: 6 May 2003 9:45 Modified: 6 May 2003 11:43
Reporter: GIANNI CHEMELLO Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.0.12 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[6 May 2003 9:45] GIANNI CHEMELLO
"processlist" reports always the host name of the one executing the command.


ID     User       Host
----   --------   --------------
1003   repl       localhost:33660
1210   23203377   localhost:1026
1216   23202359   localhost:1025
1230   23203461   localhost:1035
1231   23203307   localhost:1031
1232   23202200   localhost:1031
1233   23203376   localhost:1031
1234   23202180   localhost:1031
1235   root       localhost

How to repeat:
[6 May 2003 11:43] Lenz Grimmer
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has already been fixed
in the latest released version of that product, which you can download at 

This bug has already been fixed - the fix will be included in the upcoming MySQL 4.0.13: 