Bug #37620 Preferences page with PHP5 - not working for me?!
Submitted: 25 Jun 2008 6:39 Modified: 25 Jun 2008 9:18
Reporter: Goran Todorov Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:Eventum Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:2.1.1 OS:Linux (PHP Version 5.0.5-Debian-0.8~sarge1 (Debian GNU/Linux))
Assigned to: Bryan Alsdorf CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: eventum, PHP5, preferences

[25 Jun 2008 6:39] Goran Todorov
I'm running Eventum on linux (Debian-0.8~sarge1) based OS with PHP 5.0.5 distribution. Before version 2.1.1 I was using 2.0.1 on other machine with PHP 4.4.8, few weeks ago I've updated to 2.1.1 and it worked all fine but when I replicate it to other server using php5 - everything worked except preferences page. When I wanted to access that page, I got this message

Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.biz/subdomains/eventum/httpsdocs/include/php-gettext/gettext.php on line 66

If it mathers, I'm using MySQL version 4.0.24

How to repeat:
Click on link preferences, you'll got same error every time, atleast I got :)
[25 Jun 2008 6:48] Bryan Alsdorf
Is there any way you can upgrade to a newer version of PHP? 5.0.5 is very old (almost 3 yrs).

I can't reproduce with 5.2.4
[25 Jun 2008 9:18] Goran Todorov
Unfortunaltey it's not possible at this time, but I'll do another inactive copy to my other server which has PHP Version 5.1.6 (MySQL Client API version 	5.0.22)... is that enough? By earlier, I can do it in a few days, when I'm done I'll stick a notice here...
