Bug #366 Control Center Terminates Without Warning
Submitted: 3 May 2003 17:42 Modified: 21 Aug 2003 0:29
Reporter: Scott Forsgren Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:.92 OS:Linux (RedHat Linux 9)
Assigned to: Jorge del Conde CPU Architecture:Any

[3 May 2003 17:42] Scott Forsgren
When using MySQL Control Center, it will terminate without warning.  The screen will simply disappear.  When I first start it, I see it is running:

500       2939     1  3 17:39 ?        00:00:00 /usr/local/mysqlcc/mysqlcc-0.9.2-linux-glibc23/mysqlcc

Reproducing the problem is easy.  However, reproduction steps are difficult.  At times, it is as simple as clicking the SQL Debug tab on the first window.  It never crashes when connecting to the database and always succeeds.  However, then clicking User Administration followed by double clicking one of the listed users almost always caused it to terminate.  After the window disappears, I verified that the process is in fact gone.

How to repeat:
[8 May 2003 16:15] John Dell
Me too.  This is very weird, but it almost seems like it dies when I double-click too fast!  Basically, program in un-useable, as I almost never get past clicking on host, or perhaps db name before it dies.

I'm running RH9 with all the latest updates on an SMP box (2.4.20-9smp)
[8 May 2003 16:18] John Dell
Also, I had it dying without ever even showing the initial window, but then I deleted ~/.mysqlcc/mysqlcc.cfg and re-created the server config (it was an old 0.9.1 config) and got it back to at least opening the application, but dying when I clicked on host, db, or table (almost never could get to table before it would die).
[9 May 2003 0:37] Clinton Gormley
I'm getting the same thing having just upgraded to Redhat 9.  Is it possible that this has to do with the new Posix threads that Redhat 9 is using now?

The other problem I was getting with my Redhat upgrade was to do with errno. A number of packages (eg qmail) needed to be patched and recompiled because of a problem declaring errno.

However, these other binaries did give an error message relating to errno, and I'm seeing nothing of the kind with mysqlcc's crashes, so maybe it is not related.
[9 May 2003 0:40] Lenz Grimmer
Jorge, can you please look into this? Thanks!
[28 May 2003 11:10] John Dell
Update: If compiled from source on RedHat 9, problem goes away. Did './configure' with no extra flags.
[18 Jul 2003 2:56] Stefano Cappello
Hi guys,
I found the same awful problem running last version on red hat 9a, thw windows version of control center works great. The problem is not related to something specifically it looks like after a timeout of some seconds the program kill himself. Pls solve the problems otherwise i'm obliged to run it everytime from a windows box!
[21 Aug 2003 0:29] Jorge del Conde
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at