Bug #3649 make fails for DBD::mysql--generated Makefile has errors
Submitted: 4 May 2004 14:39 Modified: 6 May 2004 21:16
Reporter: James Evans Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:standard-4.0.18-pc-llinux-i686 OS:Linux (RedHat 9.0)
Assigned to: Timothy Smith CPU Architecture:Any

[4 May 2004 14:39] James Evans
DBD::mysql will not install because make reports errors in the Makefile generated by the installation step "perl Makefile.PL".  I have tried to install DBI/DBD several different ways, including (1) the method recommended in the documentation; (2) downloading DBI-1.42 and DBD::mysql-2.9003 directly; and (3) running the Perl driver bundle Bundle::DBD::mysql (which uses version 2.9002) using "perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::DBD::mysql'".  In every case, the Makefile has has the following problem:
   Makefile:89: *** missing separator.  Stop.

I would appreciate a hint about what I should try next.  Thanks.

How to repeat:
I suppose to repeat it you can run try to install DBI/DBD.
[4 May 2004 14:43] James Evans
This is the generated Makefile make is complaining about (e.g., line 89)

Attachment: Makefile (application/octet-stream, text), 26.04 KiB.

[6 May 2004 21:16] Timothy Smith
It installs fine on my linux system.

Please show the exact commands you used, and post the offending Makefile which is created.  Also, please show what version of make you are using.