Bug #36412 Changing the sort order in the INSERT Editor
Submitted: 29 Apr 2008 20:12 Modified: 29 Apr 2008 20:14
Reporter: Dennis Becker Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.0.21 OS:Windows (XP SP2)
Assigned to: Assigned Account CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: INSERT editor, move down, move up, sort order

[29 Apr 2008 20:12] Dennis Becker
When you add a large number of default-INSERTs to a table with the INSERT Editor, you are not able to change the sort order of the rows. The only way to change the sort order is to delete rows above your target row which should move up.

How to repeat:
Try to chnage the sort order of rows in the INSERT Editor

Suggested fix:
Add a context menu for the right mouse button with "Move up", "Move down" and "Delete".