Bug #3629 Out of Memory error
Submitted: 2 May 2004 13:44 Modified: 2 May 2004 21:52
Reporter: Vanier Kethi-Reddy Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / J Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:3.0.11 OS:Windows (Windows 2000)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[2 May 2004 13:44] Vanier Kethi-Reddy
I have a 1.4 millon row table approximately 60 bytes per row in mysql database.

my query is : "select * from bigtable".

The statement stmt.executeQuery throws out of memory exception after a while.

========= Task ===============
I want to copy bigtable from mysql database into oracle database using jdbc.

How to repeat:
Create a large table in mysql database.
Connect using connector/j
execute "select * from bigtable" query using executeQuery method of object based on Statement class of jdbc api.
[2 May 2004 21:16] Vanier Kethi-Reddy
I just found out from the release notes that one needs to use streaming hit for handling large dataset. I missed it during my inital read of the relase notes.

I am not sure how to close this bug request please close this bug request.
[2 May 2004 21:52] MySQL Verification Team
According your request.