Bug #35966 connector/net 5.1.5 will not install
Submitted: 10 Apr 2008 17:04 Modified: 18 Jul 2008 22:14
Reporter: Lynn Eriksen Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.1.5 OS:Windows (XP sp 2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[10 Apr 2008 17:04] Lynn Eriksen
I cannot install the Connector Net 5.1.5 package. When I run the installer it stops at 'Evaluating Launch Conditions' and I get the message " A previous version of Connector/Net 5.0 or higher is installed. Please uninstall that version first."

Here is what I have done to try to remedy the problem:

1) I have uninstalled all versions of 5.0.
2) I have removed all 5.0 assemblies from the GAC.
3) I have used msiinv to try to remove older installers. There are no connector/net references in the inventory.
4) I have tried to remove connector next keys from the registry.

It will still not install.

Note: I installed on of the first VS 2005 tools beta packages and I have run into this problem since you began version checking.

How to repeat:
Same as above.

Suggested fix:
- Please - add a log feature that outputs detailed information from installer so that I can see what is going on when the install is failing.

This would be very helpful.
[11 Apr 2008 7:15] Tonci Grgin
Hi Lynn and thanks for your report.

I really can't tell what went wrong in your configuration as I don't have box in front of me. What I can suggest is to try with "msicuu2.exe" from MS downloads and see if it helps. I would also like this report to be S4 (feature request) as per your last comments. This way I would be free to verify it.

Is there a stray driver somewhere on your box maybe?
[15 Apr 2008 15:12] Lynn Eriksen
Tonci, I tried the msicuu2.exe tool and all that seems to be is a GUI over the other mis* tools. I couldn't find any Connector/Net related installs.

>>> I would also like this report to be S4 (feature request) as per your last comments. This way I would be free to verify it.

Yes. Please do change to S4. An install log with detail would be a great diagnostic feature if the installer will not proceed.
[23 Apr 2008 11:37] Tonci Grgin
Lynn, thanks for your reasonable feature request.

"Please add an install log with details to c/NET installer ."
[23 Apr 2008 13:52] Lynn Eriksen
Thanks Tonci!
[23 Apr 2008 14:29] Tonci Grgin
Lynn, no problem.

Thanks for your interest in MySQL. I do value your input very much.
[18 Jul 2008 22:14] Reggie Burnett
I believe this was caused by a failed removal of 5.1.4.  If this continues to happen with the latest release then will reopen and investigate