Bug #35959 selecting explicit binary value gives non-binary result
Submitted: 10 Apr 2008 11:44 Modified: 25 Apr 2008 3:45
Reporter: d di (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Charsets Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.51a OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: BINARY, cast, character set, charset, qc

[10 Apr 2008 11:44] d di
Either of these SELECTs should give a 1-row by 1-column result set with a single field containing binary data:
SELECT _binary 0x555a170099
SELECT CAST(_binary 0x555a170099 AS BINARY)

It seems that the server neglects to tell the client that the data is binary, instead presenting it as being encoded in whatever character set the client has chosen for the connection.

How to repeat:
Wireshark's protocol dissector does not support the current incarnation of MySQL wire chit-chat, unfortunately.  Instead, use this query in Connector/NET:

string sql = "SELECT CAST(_binary 0x555a170099 AS BINARY) AS Fjabbe";

then load the above into a DataSet with Fill().
Try to retrieve the field's value from the DataSet with:

byte[] result = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Fjabbe"];

And notice the exception which says that Connector/NET has chosen Unicode string rather than byte array as the data type for Fjabbe.

Suggested fix:
Fix server to tell client that data is binary.
[10 Apr 2008 11:59] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Could you please see using the mysql command
client starting it with option -T i.e: mysql -uroot -T if actually the
server not returns a binary result. Thanks in advance.
[10 Apr 2008 12:11] d di
Very useful debugging option, thanks :-).

mysql> SELECT CAST(_binary 0x4669747465 AS BINARY);
Field   1:  `CAST(_binary 0x4669747465 AS BINARY)`
Catalog:    `def`
Database:   ``
Table:      ``
Org_table:  ``
Type:       VAR_STRING
Collation:  binary (63)
Length:     5
Max_length: 5
Decimals:   31

There's a binary flag, but the type is VAR_STRING.
No clue what that means - is it perhaps documented somewhere?
[10 Apr 2008 15:04] Valeriy Kravchuk
What exact Connector/NET version do you use?

As you can see, server clearly returns data as binary.
[11 Apr 2008 8:45] d di
> What exact Connector/NET version do you use?

I used version  But it seems to be across the board, which is why I'm guessing at a server issue.  For example, I've just reproduced this using the MySQL Query Browser (version 1.2.11); selecting a BLOB field such as x509_subject from mysql.user gives you a field with a BLOB icon, whereas running "SELECT _binary 0xdeadbeef" does not.

> As you can see, server clearly returns data as binary.

Yeah, well, whatever flags we find in a packet trace is ultimately irrelevant when the practical consequence is that every connector on the planet regards the data as being non-binary :-).

The -T output does look reasonable though.  That's why I asked for documentation.  A specification of what the combination of VAR_STRING and BINARY flags are supposed to accomplish would be very useful when deciding whether this is a client or a server problem.
[11 Apr 2008 13:34] Sergei Golubchik
Forget BINARY flag, the important field is "collation". If it's "binary" it means that data is binary, a sequence of bytes, not characters.

Connectors (/Net and /J) intentionally ignore it and report data as a string, as a workaround for the following: when a number is converted to a string implicitly it gets binary charset, that is the result of CONCAT("The number is ", 5) will be binary.

The server behaves correctly and consistently, the above is documented. But as it may be unexpected and undesirable, certain connectors try to offset that by presenting binary data as strings. We're going to change the charset of a result in an implicit number-to-string conversion in the server which will resolve the whole issue.
[11 Apr 2008 18:13] d di
Super, thanks for the info!
[24 Apr 2008 10:16] Susanne Ebrecht

when I understand this right then your problem is solved.
Can we close this bug report?
[24 Apr 2008 10:41] d di
Uhm.  This issue will be implicitly resolved when WL #2649 and issue #31384 is resolved.  If you can mark dependencies in Eventum, I'd set this item to "waiting for #31384".

If there are no dependencies, possibly "duplicate of #31384" would be appropriate.

Otherwise, please do whatever you feel is best :-).
[25 Apr 2008 3:45] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

Closed as duplicate of bug #31384