Bug #35900 "No status change option" missing in reply
Submitted: 8 Apr 2008 12:16 Modified: 9 Jul 2013 8:34
Reporter: Niels Hendriks Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Eventum Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:2.1.1 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: change, STATUS

[8 Apr 2008 12:16] Niels Hendriks
At the moment it's not possible to comment/reply on an issue without changing the issue status.

This results in extra changes in the history of the issue, which are totally unnessesary.

How to repeat:
If you open a verified(closed) issue.

Then reply on for example the closed issue comments.

You got the field "New Status for Issue #xxxx".
You can't avoid this field.
On most statusses it will work since oyu will set it on the status is has allready, but for the verified(closed) status this doesn't work since it's not in there.

This is similair for all reply screens.

Suggested fix:
A checkbox called "don't change the current status".
[30 Jul 2008 5:32] Bryan Alsdorf
This seems to only impact Closed issues as closed statuses do not show in the dropdown list. If the status is already closed then that status should be displayed in the dropdown, otherwise the current behavior of no closed statuses should be kept.
[9 Jul 2013 8:34] Yngve Svendsen
Hi. Eventum is now a project independent of MySQL, and its new home (including bug tracking) is here: https://launchpad.net/eventum

I am closing this, and ask that the issue, if still relevant, be reported to the Launchpad bug tracker.