Submitted: | 23 Apr 2004 1:45 | Modified: | 24 Jan 2007 13:02 |
Reporter: | Sanjay Patil | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Verified | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: Errors | Severity: | S4 (Feature request) |
Version: | mysql-5.2.0-falcon-alpha-win32 | OS: | Windows (Win 2000) |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any | |
Tags: | Primary Constraint name is not displayed. |
[23 Apr 2004 1:45]
Sanjay Patil
[30 Aug 2004 14:40]
Sanjay Patil
It will be very useful if the contsraint name is displyed in the error message. F.ex If a table has multiple foreign keys and while insert if one of the foreign key fails, then currently the error messgae only says.. "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails". But it does not display the name of the constraint which is quite important information while fixing the voilation. Otherwise one has to check all the referenced tables which are referred. Thanks Sameer
[22 Nov 2004 10:26]
Sanjay Patil
Please let me know if this feature would be made available in the next release or not.
[5 Dec 2005 11:06]
Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a reasonable feature request. Other RDBMSes do report violated constraint name, so, I hope, MySQL will include this feature some day. In the meantime you may try to use the SHOW INDEX to find the real constraint violated: mysql> create table tcc1 (c1 int unique, c2 int unique); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.27 sec) mysql> insert into tcc1 values(1,1); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.09 sec) mysql> insert into tcc1 values(2,1); ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '1' for key 2 mysql> show index from tcc1; +-------+------------+----------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+ | Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | +-------+------------+----------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+ | tcc1 | 0 | c1 | 1 | c1 | A | 1 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | | tcc1 | 0 | c2 | 1 | c2 | A | 1 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | | +-------+------------+----------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+ 2 rows in set (0.02 sec) mysql> show create table tcc1; +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Create Table | +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | tcc1 | CREATE TABLE `tcc1` ( `c1` int(11) default NULL, `c2` int(11) default NULL, UNIQUE KEY `c1` (`c1`), UNIQUE KEY `c2` (`c2`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 | +-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.10 sec) So, key 2 means unique index on c2.
[24 Jan 2007 12:50]
Sanjay Patil
Hi, I am testing current latest version "mysql-5.2.0-falcon-alpha-win32" regarding our issue of constraint name not displayed on voilation. When the foreign key is voileted, I see constraint name displayed in the error message like shown below. #################### [root@localhost:3306] ERROR 1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`mydb`.`child`, CONSTRAINT `fk_child` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `parent` (`id`)) #################### But still if the primary key is voileted I get message #################### [root@localhost:3306] ERROR 1062: Duplicate entry '3' for key 'PRIMARY' #################### Will it be possible to display more readable message like ########### Can not insert duplicate value. Primary constraint pk_parent is voilated for entry '3'" ########### instead of text "for key 'PRIMARY'" Thanks Sameer
[24 Jan 2007 13:02]
Sanjay Patil
1) On primary key constraint voilation, constraint name is not displayed. Displayed message is ################ [root@localhost:3306] ERROR 1062: Duplicate entry '3' for key 'PRIMARY' ################ will be more useful if constraint name is displayed. 2) When I try to drop a table whos primary key is referenced as foreign key by some other tables, I get message as ######################## [root@localhost:3306] ERROR 1217: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails ######################## This message is not user friendly. It will make more sense if the message is displayed as "unique/primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys" Thanks Sameer