Bug #35409 Allow page lines to be turned off
Submitted: 18 Mar 2008 15:59 Modified: 5 Feb 2013 18:54
Reporter: Tony Freixas Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.0.15-rc OS:Windows (XP SP2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[18 Mar 2008 15:59] Tony Freixas
You were very nice in adding the option to turn off viewing the grid. So now I'm asking if you could also make it possible to turn off the page lines. I'm not sure what you call them, so by "page lines" I mean the lines that show how the diagram would be split if it were printed.

In a separate bug report, I mention that the grid viewing on/off option should be remembered. It isn't, but I hope you will fix that. The page line viewing option should be saved in the same way. These could be saved per file or as a user option; I prefer the latter.

How to repeat:
See above

Suggested fix:
See above
[19 Mar 2008 5:14] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a reasonable feature request.
[25 Jun 2010 9:10] Mike Lischke
I don't see any way to toggle page separators in diagrams. So it does not seem to have made it into the 5.2 branch and should be reimplemented.
[5 Feb 2013 18:54] Alfredo Kojima
Closing old feature req, this is already implemented