Bug #35344 Export as SQL using ANSI Quotes/more portably
Submitted: 17 Mar 2008 16:52 Modified: 15 Oct 2009 19:36
Reporter: Bastian Grupe Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:5.0.15-rc1 OS:Windows (Vista 64 SP1)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Mar 2008 16:52] Bastian Grupe

I'd like to see some more options when forward engineering to SQL:

* ANSI Quotes as an option
* Ability to influence the auto-generated settings like "SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0;"
* Ability to select target MySQL Version/Settings (e.g. 4.0, 5.0 Traditional, 5.0 Strict)
* Ability to export 100% conformant to the SQL standard (which would mean additional settings to make it importable for most RDBMS, but that would be a good starting point)

How to repeat:
File -> Export -> Forward Engineer SQL Create Script...
[20 Mar 2008 4:14] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a reasonable feature request.
[15 Oct 2009 15:12] Susanne Ebrecht

to say it with a German verdict from Kinderueberraschung (children eggs): That are more then three wishes at same time.

We need to separate this.

* ANSI Quotes as an option

+1 from me. This should be possible in any case.

* Ability to influence the auto-generated settings like "SET

This is related to bug #34504. If would need another bug report if we won't fix it together with bug #34504

* Ability to select target MySQL Version/Settings (e.g. 4.0, 5.0 Traditional, 5.0 Strict)

This is a duplicate of bug #34504 for strict/traditional modes.

But why target version? The target version you will already set during connection. We would need a separate bug report here.

* Ability to export 100% conformant to the SQL standard (which would mean additional
settings to make it importable for most RDBMS, but that would be a good starting point)

Sorry, no chance. No RDBMS is 100 percent SQL conform. You already have problems with data types like Timestamp, date, datetime etc.

This is something we won't implement in foreseeable future.



This bug report/feature request report is for:

ANSI Quotes as an option

and I totally agree here that we should implement it.
[15 Oct 2009 19:36] Bastian Grupe

after reading bug #34504 I do agree with your points. I'm looking forward to seeing ansi quotes in WB60 and will file new feature requests when appropriate. But I do think implementing this bug as well as #34504 will suffice for most use cases.

I might even send your team some real Überraschungseier once 6.0 is done ;-)