Bug #3522 How to lock all the databases of a MySQL instance?
Submitted: 21 Apr 2004 6:57 Modified: 27 Apr 2004 16:32
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.1 OS:HP/UX (HP UX)
Assigned to: Dean Ellis CPU Architecture:Any

[21 Apr 2004 6:57] [ name withheld ]
During a mysqldump of several databases, each of them is locked (by LOCK TABLES option) to avoid inconsistencies, but they are locked one at a time; in this way, if a transaction involving all the databases is performed, it's possible that some inconsistencies are generated.
E.g. MySQL instance manages A, B, C
mysqldump of A (A locked, B and C not locked)
mysqldump of B (B locked, A and C not locked) ... transaction T on A, B and C
transaction done on A and C
end of mysqldump of B -> transaction done on B
mysqldump of C ...

At the end the export contains just A and B without the transaction T, but it contains C with the transaction T.

It's advisable to LOCK all the databases in a shot.
Can I do it?

How to repeat:
Simply try to perform a mysqldump of multiple databases and perform in the meanwhile a transaction involving all of them.

Suggested fix:
a LOCK ALL command.
[27 Apr 2004 16:32] Dean Ellis
This is not a bug, however you can use FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK to accomplish this, which mysqldump will use if you provide the --first-slave (or -x) option.