Bug #35025 URLs in Snippet descriptions don't work
Submitted: 4 Mar 2008 5:04 Modified: 10 Mar 2008 15:42
Reporter: Lenz Grimmer Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: MySQLForge Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[4 Mar 2008 5:04] Lenz Grimmer
URLs in the descriptions of snippets are not converted to hyperlinks properly - see http://forge1.mysql.com/tools/tool.php?id=36 for an example.

How to repeat:
Create a snippet with a description that contains links, observe they are not displayed properly.
[4 Mar 2008 5:53] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a bug report.
[10 Mar 2008 15:42] Jay Pipes
Fixed in r418-424.

Added migrate/migration.php script to convert and purify existing snippet notes.
Modified sql/add_voting.sql to include a new clean_notes field in CodeSnippets and to change the old field to original_notes and update records.
Modified templates/tools/* to reference clean_notes in display and original_notes in add and edit templates.
Modified cls/toolhandler.php to call TextCleaner::clean_html() for note text.
Added TextCleaner class for more structured purification of input and output.
Modified TextDecorator to call TextCleaner in clean_and_codify()