Bug #35006 Focus + selection in text area can be a nuisance
Submitted: 3 Mar 2008 16:51 Modified: 30 May 2013 11:29
Reporter: Tony Freixas Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.14a OS:Windows (XP SP2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: selection, text area, UI

[3 Mar 2008 16:51] Tony Freixas
First, let me note that I use X-windows-like focus-follows-mouse on my Windows XP system. That means that a window gets focus when the mouse is over the window (I don't have to click). Several tools provide this capability, including TweakUI and the NVIDEA driver.

If I am editing a VIEW and move my cursor off the window and then back, the entire contents of the VIEW text area are selected. If I forget to click in the text area before typing, all the contents are deleted. In general, I think this is bad idea for text areas--it might be OK for a text field.

How to repeat:
Use TweakUI or some other tool to set focus-follows-mouse behavior.
Bring up a VIEW for editing.
Move the cursor off the window so that it loses focus.
Move the cursor back to the window so that it gains focus.
Note that the contents are selected (screen shot attached).
Type a characters. All the contents are replaced by the single character.

Suggested fix:
When a text area gains focus, do not automatically select the contents.
[11 Mar 2008 13:47] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.