Bug #34675 Extra substitutable meta parameters not available in rule expressions
Submitted: 19 Feb 2008 20:11 Modified: 19 Feb 2010 16:28
Reporter: Andy Bang Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Darren Oldag CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: windmill

[19 Feb 2008 20:11] Andy Bang
In addition to the parameters used in an expression (e.g.
%Key_reads%), there is currently one "meta" parameter we can use:
%server.0, which gets replaced by the name of the server to which the
rule instance applies.

In addition to %server.0, can you please make the following available:

    %defaultFreq% - the default rule run frequency (from the
                    <defaultFrequency> tag)

    %actualFreq%  - the actual rule run frequency specified
                    when the rule was scheduled

I certainly don't expect this in 1.3, but would really like to have it
in the 2.0 release.



How to repeat:
See Description.
[15 Jul 2009 12:37] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Eric Herman writes: 
Has been available for some time.
[15 Jul 2009 23:14] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Bill Weber writes: 
verified %defaultFreq% and %actualFreq% are evaluated correctly in rules with build
[13 Oct 2009 8:57] MC Brown
No documentation required, but I've added a note to make sure these notes are added to the rule/graph chapter.
[19 Feb 2010 16:18] Mark Leith
I'm re-opening this issue, as it was implemented everywhere *but* the expression, and this was for the expressions (where it is really needed).