Bug #3467 export with compression (zip)
Submitted: 14 Apr 2004 1:52 Modified: 8 Feb 2007 21:03
Reporter: Mickael Besson Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:1.0.2b OS:Windows (Windows NT4)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Apr 2004 1:52] Mickael Besson

It will be pratical if we can export data into a zip file, smaller than a sql one.

How to repeat:
[30 Sep 2004 14:38] Are you mortal Then prepare to die.
Also it would be really great if you could import a zipped file...


mysqlimport <database> [OPTIONS] table_name.data.tab.gz

That would populate database.'table_name'  with the tab delimited and gzipped data within table_name.data.tab.gz. 

The alternative is to provide the '--table' option and read from stdin as other people request. I guess the latter is more flexible.
[29 Sep 2005 11:52] Tim Yates
>> mysqlimport <database> [OPTIONS] table_name.data.tab.gz

That, or have the ability to import the data from the stdin stream...  ie:

gunzip -c table_name.data.tab.gz | mysqlimport <database> [options]

But as this is over a year old, I guess it's not coming any time soon :-(
[8 Feb 2007 21:03] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the reasonable feature request.
[13 Mar 2014 13:33] Omer Barnir
This bug is not scheduled to be fixed at this time.