The Server Instance Configuration Wizard allows the user to "Modify Security Settings" when creating a new mysql server instance. However, this option will not work in case a root password has been defined by a previous installation.
How to repeat:
1. Install 6.0.4 for Windows. Complete the setup, and run the Wizard, specify root password. A MySQL data dir be created and a mysql service will be configured.
2. Uninstall 6.0.4. The service will be removed, however the data directory, which includes the mysql.users table with the old root password, will remain.
3. Install 6.0.4 specifying the same installation directory. Run the configuration wizard, select standard configuration. Since the mysql service has been removed, the wizard will not recognize that a previous installation has happened and will proceed to create a new one.
4. Select "modify security settings" and specify a new root password. Notice that no box is provided to enter your existing root password. Hit execute to start the configuration.
5. The wizard will start the new mysql service using the already populated mysql database. Therefore the the server will expect the old root password. However, the wizard expects a clean server instance, and will attempt to connect to the server with no password.
6. After much waiting and irresponsive wizard window, the wizard will fail with "access denied to user root, using password NO". Depending on how nerviously you have clicked around waiting for something to happen, the error message may not be your foreground window. It may be behind the wizard window, which is set to be always on top.
Suggested fix:
The wizard should probe for previous instances of the mysql database or start the server with --skip-grant-tables in order to avoid any effects from those.