Bug #34573 ERROR 1005 (HY000) can't create table '.\pm\arc_antenna.frm' (errno:139)
Submitted: 15 Feb 2008 0:31 Modified: 15 Mar 2008 4:33
Reporter: Sam Birtles Email Updates:
Status: No Feedback Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Errors Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.0 OS:Windows (2000)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: errno: 139

[15 Feb 2008 0:31] Sam Birtles
Hi There,

I'm using the migration toolkit to migrate from an Oracle database when I run the script below I get the following error, please can you tell me what causes this error and if there is a work around?

this is a sample of the script I will attach the full script if required:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pm`.`arc_antenna`;
CREATE TABLE `pm`.`arc_antenna` (
  `data_date` DATETIME NOT NULL,
  `data_hour` INT(2) NOT NULL,
  `location` INT(8) NULL,
  `sector` INT(8) NOT NULL,
  `ecp` INT(1) NULL,
  `cell` INT(3) NULL,
  `antenna_id` INT(2) NULL,
  `short_name` VARCHAR(8) BINARY NULL,
  `long_name` VARCHAR(40) BINARY NULL,
  `ccpfdrp8` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `ccpfdrp13` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `ccpfdrpec` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `cestcorg` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `cestctrm` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `clstc8` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `clstc13` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `clstcec` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_1xrtt_all_pri_traf` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_1xrtt_cetraf` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_1xrtt_pri_cetraf` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_is95_vce_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_is95_vce_retainability` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_is95_pm_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_is95_pm_retainability` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_1xrtt_vce_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_1xrtt_vce_retainability` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_1xrtt_pm_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_1xrtt_pm_retainability` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_all_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_all_vce_retainability` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `udc_all_vce_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  `cnsrsath` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`data_date`, `data_hour`, `sector`),
  INDEX `ra_idx_2` (`data_date`, `analytics_process_flag`(1))

ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table '.\pm\arc_antenna.frm' (errno: 139)

Many thanks,

How to repeat:
re-run create table script
[15 Feb 2008 4:33] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. What exact version, 5.0.x, you had used? What is `analytics_process_flag`(1)? I've got the following:

mysql> create table `arc_antenna` (
    ->   `data_date` DATETIME NOT NULL,
    ->   `data_hour` INT(2) NOT NULL,
    ->   `location` INT(8) NULL,
    ->   `sector` INT(8) NOT NULL,
    ->   `ecp` INT(1) NULL,
    ->   `cell` INT(3) NULL,
    ->   `antenna_id` INT(2) NULL,
    ->   `short_name` VARCHAR(8) BINARY NULL,
    ->   `long_name` VARCHAR(40) BINARY NULL,
    ->   `ccpfdrp8` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `ccpfdrp13` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `ccpfdrpec` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `cestcorg` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `cestctrm` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `clstc8` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `clstc13` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `clstcec` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_1xrtt_all_pri_traf` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_1xrtt_cetraf` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_1xrtt_pri_cetraf` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_is95_vce_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_is95_vce_retainability` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_is95_pm_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_is95_pm_retainability` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_1xrtt_vce_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_1xrtt_vce_retainability` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_1xrtt_pm_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_1xrtt_pm_retainability` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_all_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_all_vce_retainability` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `udc_all_vce_accessibility` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   `cnsrsath` DECIMAL(22, 0) NULL,
    ->   PRIMARY KEY (`data_date`, `data_hour`, `sector`),
    ->   INDEX `ra_idx_2` (`data_date`, `analytics_process_flag`(1))
    -> )
ERROR 1072 (42000): Key column 'analytics_process_flag' doesn't exist in table
[16 Mar 2008 0:00] Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".